The Internet along with eCommerce has quickly become a part of every business, from large enterprise to mom-and-pop shops, and the epicenter of a major part of our economy. The market is volatile, technologies are fast moving and the consumer is capricious; business models are destroyed and created on a regular basis. And with the permeation of social media, consumers want direct access to decision makers. Tioga Venture's expertise in technology and marketing combined with analytical skills and real business experience allows Tioga to significantly contribute to the success and growth of internet and ecommerce-driven companies.
Some examples of projects that Tioga has successfully executed in the past few years for internet and ecommerce companies include:
- Design and implementation of an international social media strategy
- Develop the top management dashboard to run an international, ad-funded internet business; Focus on operational metrics to facilitate benchmarking and actionable improvement

Tioga Internet & eCommerce Customers: